The Semi-Good Blog Premier Post

Today was a good day.

The day was warm and got warmer. I spent most of the day preparing for the annual 4th of July cooking festivities.

Let’s check the check-list;

  • Smoker – Check
  • Grill – Check
  • Gas – Oops, no gas. Geez, you mean it leaks too? Fixed  and check
  • Assorted Meats – Check
  • Wrapping the pans in foil so they will be easy to clean – Check
  • Give Rush a new place to lay while I continued with the preparations
  • IMAG0710 – Check
  • Assorted Veggies for roasting – Check
  • Beverages – Check
  • Watermelon – Check
  • Apple Pie – You have to have this. After all, it’s the 4th – Check
  • Schedule and Timeline for food prep and cooking – Check and Check

Earlier I had to go the grocery store to get all the last-minute things. Actually they were not last minute things since it was a day ahead of the actual time of needing them. I suppose you would call them the “last-day” things. Well, no…..that just sounds kinda doomsday-ish “last-day” and all. Maybe I should call it “going to get what I forgot to get when I was getting stuff earlier” things trip.

Yep, that sounds better.

At any rate that was not a good idea. The store was crowded with people who had gone to the grocery store expressly “to get what they forgot to get when they were getting stuff earlier”.

Hold on just a moment! I’ll be right back.














I’m back! I had to move the freezer. The little plastic cover from the night light fell behind it and the wife couldn’t get it.

Please continue to visit. As the days go by I will be adding pictures, slide shows, etc. I invite all of you to comment if you wish.

Have a great night and visit often.
© 2015 Barry T Horst

Creative Commons License
The Semi-Good Blog Premier Post by Barry T Horst is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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