Hildburghausen Stadt Notgeld

Today, our Notgeld comes from Hildburghausen, Thuringia, Germany. I have 4 separate notes to share; two 25 Pfennig and two 50 Pfennig notes. It is interesting to note that all four notes carry the Wappen am Stadt (Coat of Arms) of Hildburghausen on the obverse.

On the 1st note, 25 pfennig note (No. 3816) and the last 50 pfennig note No. 269280), the reverse of the note pictures the city hall of Hildburghausen. The last note pictures the Wappen am Rathaus (Coat of Arms) of the City Hall. It is also the only note which is dated, 19,Str21. I cannot seem to locate the name of the buildings on the River Werra pictured on the 2nd 25 pfennig note. This note is also the Featured Image for this post. I believe the “Old Woman” pictured on the 3rd note (No. 371471) is Fraa Rauscher. I still do not know which “miserable dog” she is referring to. It is hard to translate much of the print due to my inexperience in reading the particular typeface used. Speaking of Fraa Rauscher, I do like the idea of the Fraa Rauscher Fountain that randomly “spits” at tourists, Click on the link for a picture of it.Unfortunately, The statue is in Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen, Germany.

It is also interesting to note that each note states that the “value expires 3 months after”….something. Here again my lack of nearly one hundred year old typeface shows and I can’t quite figure it out.
If you possess a particular skill for this typeface, pass on your expertise and I will update the post with the appropriate changes. And…..I will extend the appropriate credit to you in the post.
“Hildburghausen Stadt Notgeld” © 2017 Barry T Horst

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