Semi-Good Notgeld Articles

On this page I will share information gleaned from the interwebs regarding various types of Notgeld in my collection.

For Now, here is a brief introduction.

Notgeld is German for “emergency money” or “necessity money”). It refers to money issued by a municipality, bank, or private firms in a time of economic or political crisis. Often times the issuance of this “emergency money” was not necessarily approved by the government, but was necessary due to the lack of adequate state-issued currency. My collection comes from the Hyperinflation period experienced in Germany after WWI.

Notgeld was mainly issued in the form of paper banknotes. Occasionally Notgeld was also produced on linen, coin form, or recycled/reused paper.

Notgeld was a mutually-accepted means of payment in a particular region or locality, but notes could travel widely.

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